News Briefs

Oil spills

Modelling activism

Media awards 

CATCH News Briefs – October 17, 2016

Oil spills

As the Line 10 pipeline hearings open tomorrow in Hamilton, an oil emulsion spill last week now covers about three hectares in north central Alberta, and a diesel spill in the waters of the Great Bear Rainforest in British Columbia has First Nations pushing the federal government to get its promised tanker ban in place. The Trudeau Liberals also promised to reform the National Energy Board but have yet to do so – one of the reasons for a protest rally at noon on Tuesday at the Crowne Plaza Hotel (150 King East at Catherine) where the NEB will consider Enbridge’s application to triple the capacity of an export pipe across rural Hamilton. Only a handful of registered intervenors and commenters are allowed inside the hearing room but the proceedings are expected to be live streamed on the NEB website.

Modelling activism

An exhibition and special reception this week at the Hamilton Central Library titled “Good Mind” are honouring the 55 year marital and artistic union of Cees and Annerie van Gemerden who have been key figures with Hamilton Artists Inc and the Hamilton Photo Union. Both were active in the Red Hill Expressway fight and public witnesses to the poisoning of the waterfront Lax lands.

The exhibition is underway on the first floor of the library and the free wine and cheese reception (RSVP here) is Friday afternoon at 3 pm in the auditorium. Participants at the reception and in a special issue of Hamilton Arts and Letters Magazine include Nancy Bouchier, Ken Cruikshank, David Forsee, Rick Hill, Don McLean, Anne Milne, Jane Mulkewich, Shelley Niro, and Mary O'Connor.

Media awards

Voting is underway for the Hamilton Independent Media Awards – also known as the Maggies. The awards were created in honour of the late Maggie Hughes who died in 2012 after a long struggle with multiple sclerosis. Maggie produced and hosted a weekly radio show on CFMU advocating for peace, social justice, and the environment as well as the rights of women, workers, First Nations and the disabled. The ceremonies will take place on November 3 at 7 pm in the Hamilton room of the Central Library. A lifetime achievement award is being given to CATCH coordinator, Don McLean.

Pipeline hearings conclude after violent confrontation

Greenbelt clash