How they voted in October

This is a regular CATCH summary of votes at committee and council meetings. This report covers the month of October 2016. The first line of each entry identifies the issue, followed by a brief description. This is followed by the location of the vote. Multiple votes on the same issue are reported together. Absentees are only listed where reported in the minutes and where the missing councillors are members of that committee or decision-making body. Links are provided to source documents.  Note that the vast majority of council decisions are unanimous and the votes are not officially recorded. Changes to the city’s website mean it is no longer possible to provide direct links to motions and staff reports. 

Employee attraction

The city managers office provided an information report on its 10-year “people and performance plan”. A motion by Mayor Eisenberger to support and endorse the plan was approved unanimously in a recorded vote.

At General Issues Committee, October 5 Minutes p1, 11-12

For: Collins, Eisenberger, Farr, Green, Jackson, B Johnson, Partridge, Pearson, Skelly, Whitehead

Against: none

Absent: Conley, Ferguson, A Johnson, Merulla, Pasuta, Vanderbeek


LRT legal opinion

In closed session, on a motion by B Johnson, a legal opinion that had been received respecting the LRT approval was referred to the Oct 25 special general issues committee and its author be asked to attend that meeting. The content of the opinion was not made public but was quickly leaked to the media and indicated that a reconsideration motion approved by a two-thirds vote is necessary to change the approval.

At City Council, October 12 Minutes p10

Recorded opposed: Eisenberger, Farr, Green, A Johnson, Merulla


Rooftop solar projects

Staff recommended the city approve blanket support for rooftop solar project applications to the Independent Electricity System Operator feed-in tariff program. Committee approved the recommendation.

At Public Works Committee, October 17 Minutes p2, 5

Recorded opposed: Jackson

At City Council, October 26 Minutes, p4

Recorded opposed: Jackson, Skelly


Waste management public engagement strategy

Staff recommended a public engagement strategy on the city’s 2020 waste management system plan. Committee approved the recommendation.

At Public Works Committee, October 17 Minutes p2, 5

Recorded opposed: Ferguson


Solar panels on landfill sites

Staff recommended approval of ground mounted solar panels on the Glanbrook landfill site and a $1.2 million repayable loan to Hamilton Renewable Power Inc for the installation. Committee approved the recommendation.

At Public Works Committee, October 17 Minutes p2, 5

Recorded opposed: Ferguson, Pasuta


Digital signage

In closed session, staff recommended approval of digital signs with an annual permit fee of $2000. Sections C to G of the recommendation authorized staff to negotiate for 12 signs on city properties including 1000 Limeridge Rd E, Dundurn and King, and Dundurn and Main. Committee approved the recommendations in open session.

At Planning Committee, October 18 Minutes p2-3, 13-14

Recorded opposed to sections C to G: B Johnson, Pasuta

At City Council, October 26 Minutes, p5

Recorded opposed to sections C to G: B Johnson, Pasuta


Code of conduct complaint fee

Staff recommended amendments to the Integrity Commissioner’s by-law including elimination of the $100 fee charged to anyone filing a complaint, and other changes. An amendment by Collins to retain the fee was approved, and the amended recommendations were adopted. At City Council, Green moved the elimination of the fee but that was defeated 4-11. Also at council, Jackson moved a wording change to subsection C showing it had not been amended.

At General Issues Committee, October 19 Minutes p3, 10-11

Recorded opposed to the fee retention: Farr, A Johnson, Merulla

At City Council, October 26 Minutes, p6-7

For fee elimination: Farr, Green, A Johnson, Merulla

Against: Collins, Conley, Eisenberger, Ferguson, Jackson, B Johnson, Partridge, Pasuta, Pearson, Whitehead

Absent: Vanderbeek

At City Council, October 26 Minutes, p7

Recorded opposed to the wording amendment to section C: Farr


Poverty funding

Staff recommended a $30,000 increase to the funding for the Hamilton Roundtable for Poverty Reduction with the final decision to be referred to the 2017 budget process. Committee approved the recommendation with an amendment that Hamilton Community Foundation be asked to cost-share the increase.

At Emergency and Community Services Committee, October 24 Minutes p2

Recorded opposed to the increase: Partridge
Recorded opposed to the increase and the amendment: Skelly


LRT re-affirmation motion

A long-standing notice of motion by Merulla asking council to reaffirm its support for accepting the $1 billion funding from the province for the LRT was withdrawn by Merulla.

At General Issues Committee, October 25 Minutes p25

Recorded opposed to the withdrawal motion: B Johnson, Partridge, Skelly


Presto maintenance support contract

Staff recommended a three-year agreement with Thales Transportation Systems “for maintenance support for the PRESTO system, currently in place on all HSR buses” at a cost of $253,061 annually. An amendment directed staff to provide a comprehensive presentation about Presto before the end of 2016.

At Public Works Committee, October 31 Minutes p4, 8

Recorded opposed to the agreement: Conley

Mixed signals on climate

Road tolling