How they voted in July

This is a regular CATCH summary of votes at committee and council meetings. This report covers the month of July 2017. The first line of each entry identifies the issue, followed by a brief description. This is followed by the location of the vote. Multiple votes on the same issue are reported together. Absentees are only listed where reported in the minutes and where the missing councillors are members of that committee or decision-making body. Links are provided to source documents.  Note that the vast majority of council decisions are unanimous and the votes are not officially recorded. Changes to the city’s website mean it is no longer possible to provide direct links to motions and staff reports. 

Provincial labour reforms

After hearing a presentation from the President of the Hamilton and District Labour Council, Green moved a motion that the city endorse the provincial labour law and minimum wage legislation. That was responded to with a subsequent motion by Ferguson to defer a decision to September and asked staff to provide a comprehensive report on all impacts to the city. The deferral motion was approved.

At General Issues Committee, June 10 Minutes p15-16

Recorded opposed to the deferral: Eisenberger


Ward boundary OMB hearing

In secret session, the general issues committee received a report on the OMB appeals of the ward boundary bylaw and gave directions to staff which remain confidential. This was ratified by city council.

At City Council, July 14 Minutes p5

Recorded opposed: Green


Hamilton sign

After hearing from PJ Mercanti, the public works committee approved the installation of a privately funded large HAMILTON sign on the forecourt of City Hall. At city council, a motion by Merulla was approved to refer the decision “to the Integrity Commissioner for an appropriate assessment.”

At City Council, July 14 Minutes p6

Recorded opposed: Ferguson

Shut down hate

City money may preserve unequal voting