How they voted in October

This is a regular CATCH summary of votes at committee and council meetings. This report covers the month of October 2017. The first line of each entry identifies the issue, followed by a brief description. This is followed by the location of the vote. Multiple votes on the same issue are reported together. Absentees are only listed where reported in the minutes and where the missing councillors are members of that committee or decision-making body. Links are provided to source documents.  Note that the vast majority of council decisions are unanimous and the votes are not officially recorded. Changes to the city’s website mean it is no longer possible to provide direct links to motions and staff reports. 

Yard maintenance enforcement

A motion by A Johnson was approved to make permanent a pilot program hiring two Mohawk College co-op placements to enforce yard maintenance bylaws in McMaster area neighbourhoods. A representative of McMaster Students Union spoke against the motion.

At Planning Committee, October 3 Minutes p8, 14

Recorded opposed: Green, Partridge

At City Council, October 11 Minutes p5

Recorded opposed: Green, Partridge


Pawnbrokers and second-hand stores

A motion by Jackson was approved asking the province to allow the city to limit the number of pawnbrokers and second-hand shops.

At City Council, October 11 Minutes p6

Recorded opposed: Green


Marijuana regulation

Ferguson moved to consider premature any applications for marijuana-related facilities in the rural area until staff meet with federal and provincial authorities, prepare a review and report to the planning committee. Council voted to table the motion until November 8.

At City Council, October 11 Minutes p6-7

Recorded opposed to tabling: Ferguson


Waterfront Trust

Committee received the financial statements of the Waterfront Trust and unanimously approved a motion by Farr directing staff to meet with Trust representatives “to develop options of mutual interest” and report back by December 6.

At General Issues Committee, October 18 Minutes p8-9 (12-0)

For: Collins, Conley, Eisenberger, Farr, Ferguson, Green, A Johnson, Merulla, Partridge, Pearson, Skelly, Whitehead

Against: None

Absent: Jackson, B Johnson, Pasuta, Vanderbeek

Greenfield can house 80 thousand

Transit budget differences